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Business Succession & Planning

The continued success of a business following the retirement or disability of the senior management requires careful planning. The lawyers at Woner, Reeder & Girard, P.A. offer guidance on succession planning for business owners. Succession planning can involve:


  • the selection, formation, conversion or termination of legal entities such as a limited liability company, corporation, limited liability partnership or family limited partnership;


  • review and preparation of business agreements such as bylaws, partnership agreements, and operating agreements;


  • asset protection;


  • capital and debt restructuring, planned gifting strategies, life insurance, and tax planning for a liquidity event like the sale of the family business.


Our lawyers are experienced in preparing buy/sell agreements which provide a structured framework to transfer ownership of a business in the event of death, incapacity, retirement or divorce. Advanced planning with the attorneys at Woner, Reeder & Girard, P.A. can help to ensure the successful transition of your business to future generations.

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Woner, Reeder & Girard, P.A.'s attorneys are licensed to practice in Kansas.  The posting of this website and information about our attorneys  and their practice areas are not directed or intended to constitute advertising in any jurisdictions where our attorneys are not licensed to practice.

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